Building a Canoe, Day 2
We took the tent down last night, knowing that storms were coming, and it’s a good thing we did! Setting up this morning was quick and easy. And after yesterday’s HOT weather, today’s cool breeze was, well, a breath of fresh air!
Yesterday, we steam-bent most of the ribs for the canoe, started cleaning up the decks, rounding out the yoke, and helping the kids get comfortable with the process. For today, we steamed the angled bow and stern parts of the canoe, continued smoothing lots of pieces of wood, started weaving the seats, and a few other things.
We’re on track, and the canoe is beginning to take shape!
Here are a few photos from today’s activities:
This program is made possible with the generous support of our partners and supporters, including:
Urban Boat Builders
Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation
Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation