Building a Canoe, Day 3
We started the day with a vaguely football-shaped big oval of wood, and started adding master ribs. The master ribs are the first real sign that this big pile of sticks is actually going to turn into a canoe!
Halfway through the day, the weather forced us indoors. Fortunately, the Boys & Girls Club of the Northland has a space indoors at the Heritage Center, and we were able to (mostly) miss the rain and get everything inside, where we continued building our canoe.
By the end of the day, all the master ribs were in place, and the kids learned how to lash the stringers to the ribs. It’s really starting to take shape!
This program is made possible with the generous support of our partners and supporters, including:
Urban Boat Builders
Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation
Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation