We are excited to welcome Lindsey Brockman as our new Office Manager at Duluth Folk School! Lindsey grew up in a small town in Northern Minnesota and was always busy with art and craft projects. She has continued that love of the handmade and shares that tradition with her children and husband now. Lindsey hasContinue Reading
Local artist Ann Klefstad recently offered a ‘Make Your Own Concrete Sculpture’ class with the Duluth Folk School. The class was supported in part by a grant from the Minnesota Arts Board, which also included funding to create an online tutorial. Here are those tutorials (filmed by Ian MacEneany), where you will learn how toContinue Reading
We’re hiring an office manager! To apply: please send a cover letter and resume to info@duluthfolkschool.com. Position Office Manager Compensation $15/hr. Work Hours 20 hrs/wk. Schedule Tuesday through Saturday, 9am – 1pm. Benefits Paid time off (accrual-based), discounts, flexible, and a crafty-fun work environment. Summary The Office Manager is an all-around position which responds toContinue Reading
About this collection Originally, we had planned to show new work in 2020. We were aiming for April of 2020 to present our work, right here in this space. Obviously, that didn’t happen. As everything closed and life changed – and then changed again – we filed the exhibition away in the “someday” category ofContinue Reading
Our next Youth Canoe Build is coming soon – things get started on Tuesday, January 4! This canoe build takes place after school Mondays through Thursdays, from January 4 through February 17th at the First Covenant Church in Duluth’s Lincoln Park neighborhood. This is a free program for youth in the area, from ages 13-18Continue Reading
November has been a month of organized charitable giving in Minnesota since 2009, when ‘Give to the Max Day‘ began. We’re thrilled to join the fun of Give to the Max this year! The folk school started as a great idea, and a labor of love. Tim Bates, Bryan French, and Carmel DeMaioribus have spentContinue Reading
During the Thursday and Friday (Oct 21 & 22) of Minnesota’s MEA weekend, the Duluth Folk School will be offering a Craft Camp for kids in the 3rd – 5th grades! Duluth Folk School’s Craft Camp provides campers with an opportunity to use new tools and materials to create their own take home projects! CraftsContinue Reading
After a restful weekend, we were back to canoe building today! There were a few new faces helping us today, but mostly, everyone had already put in several days, and knew how to work on the canoe, and what needed to be done. Today, we installed the inwales, trimmed the ribs, and riveted the ribsContinue Reading
Our canoe is really taking shape! Today we did some fine-tuning, and then we did a lot of lashing, where we tied the ribs to the stringers using an artificial sinew. We still have a couple more stringers to go, and then tomorrow, we’ll get to do more steaming! This program is made possible withContinue Reading