Adventure Training for Your Best Friend (and You!)

Photo courtesy Cindy Lottes Photography
Have you always wanted to give skijoring a try? Or canicross? Or bikejoring? Well this is your opportunity! In this class, you will learn the basics of dryland sled dog sports training, the skills of which you can transfer to skijoring, bikejoring, canicross, etc.
This class is appropriate for ANY sized dog! All dogs love to be active with their humans, and every sized dog can benefit from being well-trained and active all year long.
In this class, we will work with you and your dog, getting you out in the woods and exercising via foot, bike or scooter, with harnesses and lines.
This class will provide opportunities for dog socialization. You and your dog will learn commands, like “line out, ready, go, gee, haw, on by, easy, whoa, pick it up” etc.
Another goal of this class is to teach you and your dog to successfully ignore distractions on the trail (loose dogs, deer, squirrels), and to reduce/eliminate bad habits.
We Will Provide
After a fitting with your dog on the first day of class, we will work with a local dog harness manufacturer to create a harness for you that is custom sized to YOUR dog. This is included in the price of registration.
By the time class is over, you will have your own harness that is made just for your and your dog. Until your custom harness is complete, the instructor will provide harnesses that you can use during class.
During each class, we will provide access to water for your dogs (either directly from Amity Creek, or from bowls full of water)
Class will meet four times:
- Saturday, Oct 15 from Noon to 2pm
- Sunday, Oct 16 from Noon to 2pm
- Saturday, Oct 22 from Noon to 2pm
- Sunday, Oct 23 from Noon to 2pm
For more information and to register, click HERE.