Sustainable Landscapes
July 27, 2017

Yardscapes: Sustainable Landscapes for Urban Lots

  • Yardscapes: Sustainable Landscapes for Urban Lots
     September 9, 2017
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

With the right design and good gardening techniques, you can transform your yard from boring grass into a luscious, low-maintenance yard that relaxes you, and is inviting to birds and butterflies.

Take your yard from grass to grand!

In this class, we’ll take an interpretive tour of the instructor’s well-designed yardscape (about a mile from the folk school), which demonstrates hill, rock, wet, woodland, and food gardens. After the tour, we’ll head back to the Folk School to begin cooperative planning exercises that are designed to give you the tools to design a garden for your individual needs. Good design is foundational, as is the understanding of the potential of your yard.

Each year, your grass will decrease, and the backyard plant, bird, butterfly diversity will increase! Get ready to welcome an amazing array of nature back into your outdoor living space!

Registration Includes

Each student will receive a ‘planning kit’ which will be used to help create a multi-layered plan for making your yard more nature-friendly in an aesthetically designed garden space specific for your site. Using your design, we’ll plan a mix of native and cultivated planting options for your future garden. This will help focus your plant purchases, site development, time and energy. We will discuss “problem” areas, and discuss possible solutions.

Skill Level

No prior experience needed, but you should definitely be ready to take your yard to a new place!

Best for Ages…

18 and older.

You should bring…

  • A drawing of your yard, which should includes buildings, major trees, fences, outbuildings, sidewalks, driveways indicated-approximate or exact measurements, compass heading of property (a printed Google Maps ‘satellite view’ of your home can help with this significantly). Printed photos of areas you want to focus on would also help.
  • Bring a quart jar, half-full of soil from the part of your yard you are planning to landscape
  • Bag lunch, water, snacks
  • The garden tour is outdoors, so dress for the weather!


1917 W Superior St, Duluth, Minnesota, 55806, United States


Located on street level. Handicapped accessible.

Main Floor Space

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  • RW says:

    Will you offer this class again? I am VERY interested but I have a prior obligation for this date.

    • Bryan French says:

      Hi RW. Since this is a first-time class for us, we’ll see how things go, and if it looks like everything goes well, then yes, we’ll likely offer it again.

      • Mary Giese says:

        Hello Lynn,
        Many months ago I spoke with you about bringing the Hortus Garden Club to your home for a vertical gardening tour on Tuesday , September 11, in the late afternoon. I hope you are still holding that date for us. We had a nice visit about your yard and prior projects so it will be a great opportunity for our garden club.
        We have had a major illness in the family and I have not been able to reach out until now. Please call me to confirm so I can start advertising to the club members.
        I cannot find your pretty business card so hope this reaches you.
        Thank you for your help.

Question or comment?


1917 W Superior St
Duluth, MN 55806

Duluth Folk School
Office: 218-216-6929 or
Office Hours: Monday-Friday (9 am – 1 pm)

Dovetail Cafe & Marketplace
Cafe: (218) 481-7888 or
Hours: Wednesday-Sunday (8 am – 8 pm); Monday & Tuesday (8 am – 3 pm)

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