Meet Your Northwoods Neighbors: Basic Tree Identification
Meet Your Northwoods Neighbors
August 11, 2016
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Close your eyes and picture your favorite place in northern Minnesota. We’d be willing to bet that trees are part of that picture. Trees give us color, shade, food, leaves to jump in, and a source of heat. Trees can also tell us a lot about our favorite places: What the soil is like, how nature and people have influenced the place, how the land is changing, and more. But do you know your trees? Can you name our four native pines, or tell a pine from a spruce? Quickly tell aspen from birch, sugar maple from red? If not, this class can get you started. When we wrap up, you’ll not only know most of these species, but more importantly you’ll know how to figure them out again on your own.
We will take a walk through lower Lester Park and get to know some of our Northwoods neighbors. By the end of class you should have the ability to differentiate key features and (with some help from a basic guide) identify most native trees.
Must be 12 years old or older.
Participants should bring…
Clothes for the outdoors. Binoculars optional (to look at cones or other features high in tree crowns).
We will meet just across the bridge from the parking lot, at the pavilion in lower Lester Park: