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Canoe Building with Duluth Folk School
July 29, 2021

Building a Canoe, Day 4

Our canoe is really taking shape! Today we did some fine-tuning, and then we did a lot of lashing, where we tied the ribs to the stringers using an artificial sinew. We still have a couple more stringers to go, and then tomorrow, we’ll get to do more steaming! This program is made possible withContinue Reading
July 28, 2021

Building a Canoe, Day 3

We started the day with a vaguely football-shaped big oval of wood, and started adding master ribs. The master ribs are the first real sign that this big pile of sticks is actually going to turn into a canoe! Halfway through the day, the weather forced us indoors. Fortunately, the Boys & Girls Club ofContinue Reading
July 27, 2021

Building a Canoe, Day 2

We took the tent down last night, knowing that storms were coming, and it’s a good thing we did! Setting up this morning was quick and easy. And after yesterday’s HOT weather, today’s cool breeze was, well, a breath of fresh air! Yesterday, we steam-bent most of the ribs for the canoe, started cleaning upContinue Reading
Canoe Building with Duluth Folk School
July 26, 2021

Building a Canoe, Day 1

Today is our first day of canoe building with Men as Peacemakers and Boys & Girls Club of the Northland! And we couldn’t have done it without Dennis coming up from Urban Boatbuilders in St. Paul, to help us deliver this great program! The temperatures are HOT, but we have a tent for shade, andContinue Reading
June 18, 2021

Summer Camps 2021 Open for Registration!

Our 2021 Summer Camps program is for kids entering 8th – 10th grade this fall. Join us for this fun two week camp where you will build your own canoe paddle, fuse glass, sew with Frost River, make jewelry from silverware, make your own soap, and much more! Our small group will work with professionals artisans to make quality products that will last a lifetime (well, probably not the soap)!
May 28, 2021

Wanted: Youth Programs Coordinator

The Duluth Folk School is hiring a Youth Programs Coordinator! If you would like to help develop a robust program serving a wide range of youth in our community, this position may be for you! The position will start on a very part-time basis, and you will be responsible for building the position and theContinue Reading
Duluth Folk School Rural Farm Campus
October 16, 2020

Seeking Farm Campus!

About a year ago, we started exploring the idea of finding a rural campus. Now, in the midst of a pandemic, and as the Dovetail Cafe & Marketplace continues to grow, it has become clear that the Duluth Folk School is ready to expand! We’re looking for a large-acreage farm site, not too far fromContinue Reading
Naomi Christenson Artwork
August 28, 2020

Art: Naomi Christenson

As part of the reopening of the Dovetail Cafe & Marketplace, we are happy to welcome Naomi Christenson’s art to our walls! Naomi is a multi-disciplinary artist inspired by natural patterns. She creates detailed and playful riffs from those patterns in visual, wearable, and performance art. “The way patterns repeat in plants and animals –Continue Reading


1917 W Superior St
Duluth, MN 55806

Duluth Folk School
Office: 218-216-6929 or
Office Hours: Monday-Friday (9 am – 1 pm)

Dovetail Cafe & Marketplace
Cafe: (218) 481-7888 or
Hours: Wednesday-Sunday (8 am – 8 pm); Monday & Tuesday (8 am – 3 pm)

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Duluth Folk School is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit.


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