Create a Signature Lip Balm
February 7, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Learn how to make handmade lip balms (which can also become: lotion bars, body balms and butters) using natural, food grade ingredients!
Lip balms are a fun, easy start to your own personal DIY cosmetics line. They are easy to customize, and a cinch to make. They also make great gifts, party favors, and are perfect for group projects. Even the simplest natural balm will usually receive rave reviews from those who are used to commercial petroleum based lip balms. Unlike many commercial lip balms, a natural formula can help to soothe, heal, and protect your lips, not just seal them beneath a layer of petroleum based sludge.
We will have a selection of organic butters and oils that you can choose from, to create the perfect recipe for you!
Registration Includes
Instruction and all materials. You’ll go home with about 5-6 custom lip balms, made with the ingredients and essential oil flavor that you chose for yourself, and a recipe to keep making it at home!
You should bring…
You don’t need to bring a thing, but most people like to bring a notepad and something to write with.
Skill Level
No prior experienced required
Best for Ages…
7 years or older
Venue: Duluth Folk School Library
The Library is upstairs in the Duluth Folk School/Dovetail Cafe building.
Note: The Library is up one flight of stairs, and we do not have an elevator.