Backpacking the Superior Hiking Trail
June 11, 2022
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Perhaps you’re aware that a gem, the 310+ mile Superior Hiking Trail, runs from the Wisconsin border through Duluth and up the shore to an overlook of Canada. Backpacking is a premier way to explore this trail in your backyard!
We’ll discuss camping along the trail, gear options, planning an itinerary, how to minimize your impact on the trail, ways to support the Superior Hiking Trail Association, and some common pitfalls of beginner backpackers. Sample gear will be provided for hands-on demonstrations and you are welcome to bring your own to practice with. You’ll have a chance to come up with an example trip itinerary and you’ll go home with the maps that cover that section. Please dress for being outside, prepare for the possibility of bugs, and bring your questions.
Registration Includes…
All instruction, and you’ll go home with a map section from the Superior Hiking Trail Association (a $4.99 value), and informational handouts.
You should bring…
Just bring yourself, and any questions/concerns you might have!
Skill Level…
No special skill required
Best for Ages…
Class is designed for adults, but older kids are welcome to register along with an adult.
Class will meet at 239 McDonnell Rd, on the north end of Duluth. You can click on the map image to open directions in Google Maps:
Pull into the driveway, and park as close to the garage as you can, leaving room for others to come and go.
Note: There are no formal bathroom facilities at this location. We will be discussing going to the bathroom during hikes, but it will be up to you, whether you want to put this newfound knowledge to practice.